Initiating an administrative procedure

For registered clients

The first step in the process is to log in to your Account. Then click on the "Information / Initiate an application" menu.

Online bejelentés

You then need to select the order on which you want to make a notification.


If you have a lot of orders and you do not know exactly under which order the product you want to report has been ordered, you should switch to the "Purchased products" view, as this list will show you the products you have purchased and will bring in the order of the one you have selected.

Megvásárolt termékek

On the information bar on the order page, you will find an "Initiate an order" button. This must be pressed to submit the request.


A small window will then display the information required to keep the registered connection.

Popup kitöltött

Under this you must select a case type, which are:

Partial withdrawal: you have ordered several items, but I do not wish to withdraw (return the product) from all of them.

Full withdrawal: I would like to withdraw (return the product) from all ordered items

I received a different product: I received a product with a completely different shape or a completely different product than the one I ordered.

Guarantee: I received a faulty or damaged product.

You must then choose the method of delivery, which are:

Individual: the customer delivers the product to the shop himself. This can be done in person, at our customer service, or by a delivery company such as a postal or courier service.

Bővebben erről az ÁSZF-ben olvashat.

Guarantee courier service:

In most cases, it is possible to choose this service. This service is a convenience, as we will have the parcel delivered to and from the desired address by our contracted partner, if necessary. In the event of cancellation, a request can be made to charge the delivery costs. In the case of a full cancellation, the order will be credited without the shipping costs. This amount will cover the service charge. If the customer sends the product himself, this cost will also be credited. In the case of a guarantee, the cost of the service is 1990 HUF.

Once you have selected the appropriate case type, you will need to select the product(s) you wish to declare.

Típus popup

Then, if you ask for a bug report or a picture, you must provide it.

Elállásról és annak ügymenetéről bővebben itt olvashat:

Finally, you can submit it by clicking on the submit button. Our site will then redirect you to the open cases page where you can follow the progress of the case.

You will be redirected to our order page and the order will appear at the bottom of the page.


Read more about the management of Pending cases here!

For non-registered customers:

It is also possible to register online for purchases without registration. To do this, you need to click on "Information / Initiate transaction" in the same way as for the registered case.

Online bejelentés

The invoice is required for the declaration, and we need the following information.

A bejelentéshez szükséges a számla, melyről a következő adatokra van szükségünk.

Order ID and account number, presented in the image below:


To initiate the process, fill in the form and click on the "Initiate an action" button.

Nem regisztrált adatok

An email will then be sent to the email address you have previously provided for the order, from which you can verify your eligibility via a link. This is required for security reasons. In the email you will need to click on the button below:


If you don`t remember the email address you used in your order, or if you no longer have one, you can find information about our normal procedures on the following pages.



You will then be redirected to the order page, from where you can submit the notification.


From now on, everything is the same as before. Continue to click here.

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